I’m happy to be the featured artist in one of my favorite island magazines, Ke Ola (The Life)! Although this wonderful publication has been on the Big Island for some years, they just made their Maui debut in April. My painting “Hi’iaka’s Prayer” is featured on the cover, and an article on my art and teaching is on pp. 17 – 19. Be sure to click on the link, https://issuu.com/keolamagazine/docs/m2013-1?e=2626807/11669398, to see a flip-view of the entire issue. I’m particularly pleased that they covered the work I’m doing with SoulCollage® in the middle school classroom, and I appreciate the fine writing by Sherry Remez. Enjoy!
Ke Ola Magazine Featured Artist
May 30, 2013 by Beth Marcil ·
Filed Under: Art with Kids, Articles, Fine Art, SoulCollage®, Visual Journaling · Tagged: art journal, arts integration, Beth Marcil art, Hawaii art, Hawaii artist, Maui art, Maui artist, middle school art, middle school transition, SoulCollage® with middle school, visual art journal, visual journaling
Beth Marcil is a well-recognized Maui artist who also leads SoulCollage® workshops and Visual Journaling as well as private coaching sessions. She blends her many years of art training with her love of healing and the creative process.