For the first time ever, Mariabruna Sirabella will be offering a 3-day art and SoulCollage® workshop on the Big Island of Hawaii on March 10-12, 2017. See below for more information.
This weekend is an introduction to the Four Elements and their incessant dance on the Wheel of Life, which gives birth to all of life. You will also learn the basic concepts of the School Of The Origins and its deeply spiritual philosophy free of religion. Open to all curious beings. Simple movements and creative hands-on activities will give you a playful and personal taste of the Wheel.
SoulCollage®, free flow painting, “mandala” work are some of the activities that will engage our imagination and creativity.
- A creative exploration of the Wheel of Life, connecting indigenous mind and contemporary wisdom
- A framework for understanding the Cosmology of Nature within everyday life, and a process for exploring your personal connection with the Four Elements
- Movements and creative activities you can use on your own in order to stay connected with your inner nature and to the beauty and magic around you
- An introduction to an earth-based spirituality that is free from dogma and institutionalized religion
- most of the materials you will be using to create a personal piece for each Element
One participant created this beautiful video a couple of years ago after taking the workshop, and it’s well worth checking out. (It is in Italian but the visuals and the music give you a sense of the workshop.)
The workshop will take place in Hawaii, the Big Island. Full details will be sent out upon registration. Register here (click link and scroll to bottom of page), and please contact Beth Marcil with any questions.
Many have said that after learning the Wheel they felt as if they had gone “back home”. I share the same feelings. The Wheel speaks to something ancestral we already know deep down, but we are no longer conscious of harboring that wisdom within our soul. In the Wheel we recognize our own nature and the intelligence of the natural world. The Wheel is enriching, expanding, but also rooting, centering, validating and reassuring. It is magic and common sense at the same time. It is practical and spiritual but it is not religious.
Schedule: Friday 5-9pm; Saturday 9-9; Sunday 9-4.
You may enjoy reading this blog by Mariabruna
We look forward to seeing you there!
*Also, be sure to check out Mariabruna’s 2-day The Phoenix: Ancient Myth, Personal Journey workshop in Pa’ia, Maui, Hawaii, January 21-22, 2017.