The Hero’s Journey SoulCollage® Workshop Series
A bit of background on my inspiration for this course… Some specifics… On Saturday, June 24, 2017, we will begin a hands-on exploration of the Hero’s Journey myth as it relates to our personal life paths, referencing the 22 major arcana cards of the tarot and using SoulCollage® as our creative vehicle. I’ll provide an […]
Cosmology of the Wheel of Life
For the first time ever, Mariabruna Sirabella will be offering a 3-day art and SoulCollage® workshop on the Big Island of Hawaii on March 10-12, 2017. See below for more information. This intriguing […]
The Phoenix: Ancient Myth, Personal Journey
I am very happy to announce that Mariabruna Sirabella will be with us again on Maui (yay!) this January 21-22 to facilitate a SoulCollage® workshop entitled, “The Phoenix: Ancient Myth, Personal Journey.” Mariabruna’s storytelling will draw us into this engaging and fascinating story filled with visual and poetic opportunities to inquire within and share with […]
Art Show Collaboration… with a 10 year old
In October of 2013, I participated in an art exhibit titled “Relationships and Collaborations” held at Viewpoints Gallery Maui. Invited artists were asked to choose one or more collaboration partners who worked in different mediums so each artist would stretch their boundaries and explore new creative territory. We were also asked to observe and reflect […]
9 Stages of a Shield Volcano
This is a 4th / 5th grade lesson plan I designed to teach students how to identify the 9 stages of a shield volcano and to give them a dynamic mixed media experience. They loved it and so did I! Prior to beginning the art activity, I projected a “9 Stages” reference guide onto the […]
Olinda pine forest, Maui
This is an acrylic painting of the Olinda Pine Forest on a rainy, foggy Maui day. Because the soil was saturated, the reddish clay color was more vibrant than usual. I had to paint it! I added texture to the canvas with a heavy gel medium before applying paint. It adds so much more visual […]
More fun with fused plastic bags!
(More photos below) Here are my latest experiments with plastic bag fusing, and I love them! Although I’ve been cutting them into handmade journal covers, there are a zillion other things that could be done with this “fabric”. Because I haven’t played with this technique for quite awhile, I rediscovered some important lessons and picked […]
Fused Plastic Bag Journals
Inspired by a project in Karen Michel’s book, “Green Guide for Artists”, I created my first handmade journal with fused plastic bags covers. The interior pages incorporated a variety of papers collected from around the house as well as interesting photos and captions from magazines that caught my attention. After gathering and composing my pages, […]