In October of 2013, I participated in an art exhibit titled “Relationships and Collaborations” held at Viewpoints Gallery Maui. Invited artists were asked to choose one or more collaboration partners who worked in different mediums so each artist would stretch their boundaries and explore new creative territory. We were also asked to observe and reflect on our process of working collaboratively. What issues came up? How did we resolve them? Did one person try to control the flow more than the other? What did we learn about ourselves and our chosen partner while engaged in creating together? During our first meeting, the person that popped immediately into my head was Celina, a 10-year old former art student I’d met when she was in 2nd grade, 3 years before. As a teaching artist at an arts integrated elementary school on Maui, I met Celina when she came to study visual art with her class for about 8 sessions per school year. I didn’t know her well, but even in 2nd grade that girl could draw! I also liked her personality and devotion to her art. So when the opportunity arose, I asked the group if collaborating with a child would fit the exhibit criteria. The answer was a resounding YES! And Celina accepted the challenge. Weekends and after school hours we experimented with different art mediums, getting used to our new roles as collaborators, and leaving behind the student / teacher roles we were used to. That was tricky, but we worked through it over time. The piece we created exceeded all our expectations, and was sold at the opening reception. Celina’s family was extremely supportive too, shuttling her back and forth to my studio for months on end. Carl Rozycki, a talented videographer, was hired by the gallery to document each creative team in the studio and with the finished work in the gallery. It’s a real treat to have this footage of our time together. Enjoy!
Beth Marcil is a well-recognized Maui artist who also leads SoulCollage® workshops and Visual Journaling as well as private coaching sessions. She blends her many years of art training with her love of healing and the creative process.